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Workday Recruiting for Student Jobs & Training Schedule

three female students in Cornell event tshirts laughing

Workday will now be used to post student jobs, review Federal Work Study (FWS) and track candidates applying for student employment jobs.

Why the change?

  • FWS Compliance: Workday offers standardized job postings and applicant tracking aligning with federal regulations
  • Utilization of FWS Funds: Streamlined reporting on FWS use - maximizing the benefit to students and departments
  • Single Repository: One central location easily accessible for audit/compliance needs

When is it live?

These features are currently enabled in Workday and colleges/units are adopting them based on their local needs.  Gradually over the next few months, the transition will continue so that all student employment postings are managed in Workday with a target start date beginning next fiscal year.

Who should register for training? 

Anyone who manages recruiting (post jobs, review and track candidate applications) for student jobs should register for one (1.5 hour virtual) training session.

Training Schedule: January 2024

Once you register for the training, you'll receive a calendar invite that will include the Zoom link. 

Important Note:  If you are unable to attend a session you have registered for, please make sure to cancel your registration so that others can attend. A link to cancel is at the bottom of the original registration confirmation email. 

Helpful Reference Materials for Student Recruiting:


Please feel free to reach out to Catherine Butterfield ([email protected]) in the Office of Financial Aid and Student Employment (FASE) or Bini Thomas ([email protected]) and Amy Parmley ([email protected]) on the Workday Team.